How Much Does a Sexual Harassment Lawyer Cost?
It costs you nothing up front to hire a sexual harassment lawyer. That’s because our attorneys work on contingency, which means we don’t get paid until you get paid. Attorneys’ fees are paid by the defendant as part of a settlement agreement or jury award. If for some reason your case is not successful, then you owe us nothing.
What Constitutes Sexual Harassment?
California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act covers what is harassment in all categories that are protected, including sexual harassment. According to the Act, the following can be considered sexual harassment:
- Making jokes, comments, or derogatory remarks that are sexual in nature.
- Forcing physical encounters like touching, standing too close, assault or confining a person’s movement.
- Revealing private body parts inappropriately to intimidate or solicit.
- Promising promotions, opportunities or employment benefits in exchange for sexual favors.
- Overt or ongoing suggestions to engage in sexual activities.
- Retaliation or threat of retaliation if sexual advances are rebuffed.
- Showing materials that are sexual in nature including photos, videos, audio feeds, etc.
- Verbal abuse that includes whispers or cutting remarks about a person’s body, sexual orientation or manner of dress.
- Other actions that include sexual inuendo or intent.
What Actions are Employers Required to Take to Stop or Prevent Sexual Harassment?
Employers are required to stop or prevent sexual harassment in the workplace and to implement the following:
Government Code 12950: An employer must distribute written materials that comply with this code.
CCR 11023: An employer must develop a corporate policy in writing to prevent discrimination, harassment and retaliation based on CCR11023. It must list protected groups by FEHA, establish a confidential complaint method, clarify laws prohibiting sexual harassment, promise non-retaliation and require supervisors to report any complaints of sexual harassment to the appropriate party, among other things.
Post a copy of the official poster titled “California Law Prohibits Workplace Discrimination and Harassment.”
Does the Harassment Have to Be Violent or Physical for Me to Win a Legal Case?
Absolutely not. Sexual harassment includes all kinds of verbal, visual and behavioral activities that are sexual in nature. Violence or physical touch are not required to establish a violation of your right to be free of sexual harassment at work or within organizations.
Do You Need a Lawyer If You’ve Been Sexually Harassed?
The law does not require you to hire a lawyer, especially if you are pursuing a complaint internally within your company. However, if you feel you are not being listened to by your company, are being pressured not to pursue an internal complaint, or the situation is not rectified, then it may be time to hire a lawyer to pursue a legal claim. A sexual harassment lawyer in California has the resources and legal skills to get you the remedy and compensation you deserve.
Do You Have More Questions About Sexual Harassment?
Find out more with the following useful information:
How to file a sexual harassment lawsuit
How much can I get in a sexual harassment lawsuit settlement?